Clever Birds Australia

My photo
Grafton, NSW, Australia
My aim is to help people and their birds through advice and information. Birds are very clever. Read this blog to learn tips to make you bird clever!, Hi my name is Kim. I keep a variety of very Clever Birds! I keep Australian native and exotic parrots. Cockatiels I guess fill up more space than any others in my garden and bird room. I show my cockatiels and have a breeding program for a rare mutation which appeared in the latest "A Guide To Cockatiels" book, written up by Dr Terry Martin who is a world famous bird geneticist. A photo of my bird showed the unusual feather patterning and colour. Budgerigars were my first bird and I keep the show budgies and Bush Budgies. My interest is in breeding unusual colours.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wow it has been a while since I last posted here on blogger. I guess this is because Facebook takes up so much time not to mention the birds!!! With this nice crisp autumn weather the birds are all looking to nest making and pairing up. There are many hopeful male birds in my aviaries at the moment! They sing so nicely especially the cockatiels. Lately the number of calls I've had relating to bird care has been high. People seem to be trying harder to make their birds' lives better which is just great and I am always glad to give advice.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Join us on Facebook!

We have an active facebook page where you can ask questions about your bird's behaviour, care, health etc. Visit and like my Facebook birds page.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fresh Daily!

When it comes to pet or aviary birds there is one word of advice that I believe is more important than any other!

Yes, if I could only say one thing to a new parrot owner regarding the bird's care it could be done in one word!

That one word? It is DAILY

Ask me anything about bird care and I can answer with that word!

How often does the bird need fresh water or a water change? DAILY I would say.

How often should i replenish the cockatiel pellets? Again, my answer would be DAILY!

How do I know when my bird's wings need a trim? Check them DAILY! It only takes a tiny amount of growth on one or two feathers for your bird to get enough 'lift' to fly clean away out the door!

DAILY covers most bird care questions. For more answers about bird care visit my page on the Pet Directory website.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cockatiel Care Sheet - DIET - Dry Mix

DRY MIX: (never allow dish to be empty)
Vetafarm cockatiel pellets plain or Nutriblend Minis
2 teaspoons Trill cockatiel seed (supermarket)
¼ teaspoon Almond Meal (supermarket)
¼ slice multi grain bread in small pieces (size of 5 cents)
FEED IN FLAT DISH (eg heavy pot plant saucer)

Read more care information on

Monday, December 27, 2010

Got a new Cockatiel for Christmas?

If you would like more information on how to care for your new cockatiel click on the link to see photos and information on foods to feed and other care matters relating to pet cockatiels.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Calcium is for the Birds!

With nesting time here and little hens laying eggs, calcium is extremely important in your pet or aviary bird's diet. They also need to have natural sun and light on their feathers so they can process their calcium. Here are some calcium sources for birds:
Cuttle Fish
Shellgrit (fine grade is good for most birds)
Vetafarm True Grit is rich in calcium and vitamins too.
Calcium Bell
Liquid Calcium
You can buy these things for your bird on

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nesting time!

It is now nesting time. Be considerate of your pet or aviary bird's needs at this time of year. Watch your aviary or cage doors because birds will easily fly away looking for a mate!

If your hen is laying give her calcium! Calcium comes in cuttlefish, shellgrit, calcium liquid or powder. To buy these visit:

Clever Birds

The Pet Directory